"Getting to Know Your Designer" ... by Joan McDonald, An interview by Aspired Design Magazine
ADM: Favorite book?
PLC: The Count of Monte Cristo, Alexander Dumas
ADM: Favorite song?
PLC: Layla, Eric Clapton
ADM: Favorite movie?
PLC: Any 1940s black and white and The Godfather series
ADM: Favorite staple in your pantry
PLC: Capers
ADM: Favorite flower
PLC: Peony
ADM: Favorite car
PLC: Porsche 356 C
ADM: Favorite vacation destination
PLC: Forte dei Marmi
ADM: Favorite athletic event to watch
PLC: Baseball on a sunny day
ADM: Favorite exercise
PLC: Swimming
ADM: Favorite coffee drink
PLC: Cold-brew iced

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