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 Residential, Commercial, Hospitality

F U L L   I N T E R I O R   D E S I G N


f r o m 

 I N S P I R A T I O N   

t o 

I N S T A L L A T I O N  


o r

A   L A   C A R T E

T O   S U I T   S P E C I F I C   N E E D S

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Patti Offers 4 Categories of Services

 1:  N E W   C O N S T R U C T I O N   /   R E M O D E L S

  • Exploratory consultation

  • Review, revision and tailoring of architectural plans

  • Design Concept

  • Development of PLC Design Binder

  • Coordination with general contractor 

  • Furniture sourcing & purchasing 

  • Installation

Patti meets with clients to review existing or proposed architectural plans. She methodically walks clients through each space keeping in mind every      function, aesthetic, and furniture arrangement. She is a stickler for electrical and plumbing locations (especially plumbing) knowing how significantly they impact the final design. She insists, "These decisions cannot be made too soon!"  


Once the review is complete, revisions that more intimately suit the homeowners' needs and goals are submitted to the architect or contractor along with a PLC Design Binder. This binder is in the form of a PDF and includes the scope of work, drawings, materials, specifications, and relevant notes. It keeps all involved parties organized and up-to-date, and is a visual reminder of all selected products and design elements. The Design Binder also facilitates contractor bidding, implementation, and keeps projects moving efficiently. 

Patti has trusted, established relationships with general contractors, subcontractors and tradesmen who she partners with to deliver quality results.    


Note: Not all projects start with or require architectural plans. 

2: F U R N I S H I N G   /   P U R C H A S I N G

  •  Access to Design-Trade wallcoverings, rugs, fabrics, accessories, and furnishings

  •  Access to the San Francisco Design Center

  •  Custom-designed furnishings and cabinetry

  •  Custom-designed window treatments and bedding

This service is for clients interested in elevated, personalized and quality furnishings sourced by and purchased through PLC Interiors. This approach allows Patti to create unique and cohesive interiors with product not found online or in retail stores. It also saves clients from making costly or common mistakes and frees their time to enjoy doing what they love most. 

Clients are welcomed to join Patti during any shopping trip to the San Francisco Design Center.


3: C O N S U L T A T I O N - D E S I G N   O N L Y

  •  Consultations with design services but without furniture purchasing

This service is for homeowners who wish to source and purchase their own furnishings but would like consulting services along the way. Patti will provide furniture layouts, cabinet drawings, color schemes, and the like, as guidelines in sourcing and purchasing on their own. 

4: C O N S U L T A T I O N   O N L Y

  •   One-time or ongoing consultations

On-site, in-store and/or online consulting is available for clients who want a starting point and a direction to follow. This may be through a one-time visit or through a series of consultations.  

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