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A R C H I V E D...S U N D A Y...M O N T H L Y S 


It has been two years and two months since I submitted my last column, "Demystifying Design," to the Napa Valley Register. I will always be grateful to my editor, Sasha Paulsen, for giving this unqualified and inexperienced writer a column. I was an interior designer, business owner, former computer programmer, and former math teacher ... but far from a writer. Somehow, my column ran nearly 10 years. I covered every design topic under the sun as well as some doozies about the Knights Templar, Einstein's Unified Field Theory, Coco Chanel, and Tarot Cards.
I discovered that I love to write. It's calming and therapeutic. I didn't expect to hear from readers during those 10 years but I did and, believe it or not, still do. Hearing some say that they miss my column is humbling. And you know what? I miss it, too.
 And so ... I've decided to introduce a quasi-column ...
a combo of "Demystifying Design" and my old PLC Interiors blog, "Abuzz."


T H E...S U N D A Y...M O N T H L Y
is a fast read for a slow Sunday morning

I will cover a potpouri of topics - design, healthy-ish recipes, wellness, adventures and who knows what else. On the surface, these topics may seem a little too light-hearted for these rough times in our country and abroad. There have been many tragic events lately that I, truthfully, cannot get out of my mind. These events are yet another reason why I decided to create this newsletter. A few minutes of frivolity that I also hope can be entertaining.


Additionally, I'm inviting you to ask any simple-to-answer design question.

I'll reply in the following Issue.  


And, if you have a topic on which you'd like me to write, let me know. I'll do my best. Note: design is my expertise -

quantum physics, tax law and hockey - not so much.


(By the way, I've learned that newsletter software is not 100% dependable, so if you don't receive a future Issue,

please check SPAM/JUNK or email me below. I'm numbering my Issues just for this reason.)

Each issue will be sent the first Sunday morning of the month. Why Sunday? It's a nod to a lifetime ago when I lived in San Francisco's Marina District.


Sunday mornings started with a stroll to a French patisserie on Chestnut Street. Rain or shine, alone or with a special person, I enjoyed a fancy demitasse of black coffee, an occassional chocolate croissant, and the thick, colorful pages of the Sunday Chronicle.

I've had a whirlwind of changes and challenges these past two years (will share a few in future Issues) and I've just been longing for those simple Sundays by the Bay.

I hope THE SUNDAY MONTHLY will cover topics of interest to you. In the meantime, here is my fave salad dressing which never fails to have many ask, "What's in it?"

  S W E E T   &   T A N G Y


1/4 C extra virgin olive oil

1/4 C mayo

2 T Dijon mustard

(I like ones with mustard seed.

Must be tart and flavorful.)

2 T red wine vinegar


.... and the secret ingredient ...

1/4 C pure maple syrup


If you're fancy, emulsify it.

Otherwise, just shake really well.


My go-to salad is a blend of red leaf and butter lettuce, bleu cheese crumbles, dried cranberries, and pickled onions. Sometimes I add toasted or candied pecans.

It pairs perfectly with Hormel's Teriyaki Pork Loin. The sweetness of the teriyaki works well with the dressing. I slice it razor-thin and toss into the salad.


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